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M&A Integration Internal Communication – Best Practices


Why it is so important:

  • Ensure employees of acquired company are
    welcomed, engaged and updated on the
    integration strategy and planning.
  • Give visibility within the acquiring company on the
    integration progress.
  • Engage the integration team through regular updates
  • As integration team consists of people joining from
    Sell-side as part of integration team.

Successful integration has a critical aspect of Internal communication stream hence below are few best practices that works well.

  • Ensure that the internal communication leader is engaged from the moment the integration team is defined, and involved in all key integration meetings.
  • Right size the team depending on the scope – with dedicated full-time support.
  • Align on a common messaging platform with Marcom and Public Relations (PR).This decision must be taken early.
  • Work hand in hand with change management and ensure that the communication plan is part of the overall change management strategy.
  • Develop a clear plan and schedule of communications aligned with the integration
    milestones, especially for Day 1, and involve Executive members or sponsors to deliver
    key messages through recorded video or live.
  • Involve and leverage the communications managers in the countries and impacted
    functions and businesses.
  • Set up feedback loops with the impacted employees – surveys, focus groups, analytics.
  • Ensure a regular cadence of communication using consistent channels and tools.
  • Segment the audiences to understand the level of content that each need.
  • Develop a plan with Integration Leaders for functional audience.(through live sessions or newsletter).
  • Internal Communication should under Integration Management office level to keep a
    transversal view of the project.

MergerWare Recommendation:

If the integration budget does not allow to have dedicated resources, the PMO, Internal Communication and Change Management roles could be combined into one role.


  Reusable good practices:

  • Digital welcome kit
  • Welcome events
  • Integration newsletter
  • Integration live session
  • Communications plan and schedule

  Major risks:

  • Too many communications from different sources
    (in addition to the internal communication one)
  • Tardiness of communications
  • Unneeded actions resulting from a lack of communication
deal flow

Key dependencies:

  • HR, IT, PR and Marketing communication stream.
  • Internal communication function
  • Integration functions leaders